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  • Ph.D. candidate in Biology from the University of Auckland (New Zealand). ​

  • Master of Science - Biology - Animal Ecology from Lund University (Sweden).

  • Experience in avian cognitionbehaviour and vision.

  • More than fifteen years of teaching experience in several areas.

  • Experience with handling, banding and husbandry of wild and captive birds.

Ph.D. candidate. University of Auckland - New Zealand​
2019 - present
Thesis: The importance of sleep for avian vocal performance.


Master in Biology - Animal Ecology. Lund University - Sweden

​2016 - 2018

Thesis: Mirror-mediated spatial location in great tits (Parus major).


Bachelor in Biological Sciences. Universidade de Caxias do Sul - Brazil

​2011 - 2016
Thesis: Behavioral analysis of Southern Lapwing, Vanellus chilensis, with human presence.


Exchange - General Biology. Thompson Rivers University - Canada

2012 - 2013

Exchange Program through the Brazilian government scholarship Science Without Borders 

Research Experience

See Projects for more details.


University of Auckland - May/2019 - present

Ph.D. project

Project: The effects of sleep on avian vocal performance.


University of Auckland - Mar/2019 - March/2020

Ph.D. project

Project: Visual and auditory ornaments in New Zealand Fantails (Rhipidura fuliginosa)


Lund University - Jun/2018 - Aug/2018


Project: Detection of moving targets in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus)


Lund University - Aug/2017 – Jun/2018

Master Thesis

Projects: Mirror-mediated spatial location in great tits (Parus major)


Lund University - Nov/2016 – Jul/2017


Projects: Problem solving in urban and rural great tits (Parus major)

Self-control with experienced great tits (Parus major)


Universidade de Caxias do Sul May/2015 – Apr/2016

Bachelor’s Thesis

Project: Behavioral analysis of Southern Lapwing (Vanellus chilensis) with human presence


Thompson Rivers University - May/2013 – Aug/2013

Field Technician

Project: Associations of parental care and quality on offspring plumage coloration in mountain bluebirds (Sialia currucoides)


Universidade de Caxias do Sul - Mar/2011 – Aug/2012

Laboratory Internship

Project: Cellulase, xylanase and pectinase production from Penicillium echinulatum, Aspergillus oyzae and Trichoderma reesei fungi in solid and liquid cultivation

Teaching Experience

See Teaching for more details.

Ecology and Evolution: The Continuum of Life - BIOSCI 109

Teaching Assistant - 2023

The University of Auckland, New Zealand


Quantitative Biology - BIOSCI 220

Teaching Assistant - 2023

The University of Auckland, New Zealand


Tools to make engaging research posters

Online Workshop - Youtube Link - 2021

Australasian Society of the Study of Animal Behaviour


Biology of Terrestrial Animals - BIOSCI 338

Teaching Assistant - 2021 - 2023

The University of Auckland, New Zealand


Animal Behaviour - BIOSCI 337 

Teaching Assistant - 2019 - 2021

The University of Auckland, New Zealand​


Animal Form and Function - BIOSCI 207
Teaching Assistant  - 2019, 2021

The University of Auckland, New Zealand​


Skype a Scientist Program - Mar/2019 - December/2019


English Teacher - ESL - Sep/2018 - Feb/2019

Talkers Idiomas, Brazil


Animal Behaviour

Demonstrator -  Apr/2018

Lund University, Sweden


English Teacher - ESL - Aug/2015 – Jul/2016

SKILL Idiomas, Brazil


English Teacher - ESL - Sep/2013 – Jul/2014

Instituto de Idiomas Yázigi, Brazil


Computer to Older Adults Teacher - Sep/2013 - Dec/2013

Community Volunteering, Brazil


Community Teacher - Mar/2007 - Jul/2012

Community Volunteering, Brazil

Professional Service

Conference Liaison

11/2022 – Present

Australasian Society of the Study of Animal Behaviour - ASSAB


Workshop coordinator 

04/2021 – 11/2022

Australasian Society of the Study of Animal Behaviour - ASSAB


Outreach officer

07/2019 - 11/2022

Australasian Society of the Study of Animal Behaviour - ASSAB


Blood coordinator - 06/2019 – 08/2022

School of Biological Sciences - UoA


Manuscript reviewing

Behavioral Ecology - 2022

Evolutionary Ecology - 2020

Behavioural Processes - 2019


Outreach officer and board member

2017 - 2018

Projekt6 (NGO)

Scholarships, Grants and Prizes

ISBE Travel Award (2022)


AOC 2022 Student Grant (2022)


Highly Commended Student Poster NZES Conference (2021)


Best poster - SBS Showcase (2021)


CBB publication stipend (2021)


ASSAB Student Research Grant (2020)


3rd place - FoS PG Research Showcase (2019)


University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship (UoADS) (2019 - 2022)


Science without Borders Scholarship (2012 - 2013)


Research Funding -  PIBIT/CNPq 

(2011 - 2012)


Research Funding - UCS (2011)

Courses and Training

Bioacoustics Analysis in R (2021) - Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS)


Wild Bird Rescue and Rehabilitation (2021) - Learn Bird Care and New Zealand Bird Rescue


Strategic communication for environmental causes (2021) - Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS)


Outdoor First Aid (2022) - First Training


Mental Health First Aid (2022) - St. John


Relevant Certifications

Banding Level 1 - New Zealand (2019)


Bird Handling - Sweden (2016) 


Animal Handling - Canada (2013)


Laboratory Animal Handling - Brazil (2012)

Professional Societies

Australasian Society of the Study of Animal Behaviour

Outreach officer (07/2019 - present)

Member (04/2019 - present)


Birds New Zealand 

Member (04/2019 - present)


International Society for Behavioural Ecology

Member (02/2020 - present)



Portuguese (Native)

English (Proficient)

Spanish (Basic)

Italian (Basic)

Event Presentations

ASSAB Conference 2022 (Talk + Organization) - 2022

Virtual Meeting
Title: Effects of sleep on vocal communication of common mynas

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Margaret Stanley, Kristal E. Cain.


International Society for Behavioral Ecology Congress 2022 (Talk) - 2022

Stockholm - Sweden

Title: Importance of sleep on vocal communication of common mynas and Australian magpies

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Margaret Stanley, Kristal E. Cain.


Australasian Ornithological Society Conference (Talk) - 2022

Virtual Meeting

Title: Effects of manipulated corticosterone on vocal performance of common mynas
Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Rebecca MacQueen, Margaret Stanley, Kristal E. Cain


New Zealand Ecological Society Conference (Poster) - 2021

Virtual Meeting
Title: Effects of stress on the singing performance of common mynas

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Rebecca MacQueen, Margaret Stanley, Kristal E. Cain


School of Biological Sciences Showcase - UoA (Poster) - 2021

Virtual Meeting
Title: Effects of stress on the singing performance of common mynas

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Rebecca MacQueen, Margaret Stanley, Kristal E. Cain


ASSAB Conference 2020 (Talk + Organization) - 2020

Virtual Meeting
Title: Effects of sleep on avian vocal communication

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Robin D. Johnsson, Farley Connelly, John A. Lesku and Kristal E. Cain.


25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (Poster) - 2020

Virtual Meeting

Title: Effects of sleep deprivation on birdsong performance in adult Australian magpies

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Robin D. Johnsson, Farley Connelly, John A. Lesku and Kristal E. Cain.


57th Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society (Talk) - 2020

Virtual Meeting

Title: Effects of sleep on avian vocal communication

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Robin D. Johnsson, Farley Connelly, John A. Lesku and Kristal E. Cain.


Exposure Postgraduate Research Exposition (Poster) 2019

Auckland, New Zealand

Title: Are sleepy magpies worse singers?

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Robin D. Johnsson, Farley Connelly, John A. Lesku and Kristal E. Cain.


Faculty of Science 2019 Postgraduate Poster Competition (Poster) - 2019

Auckland, New Zealand

Title: Are sleepy magpies worse singers?

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Robin D. Johnsson, Farley Connelly, John A. Lesku and Kristal E. Cain.


ASSAB Conference 2019 (Poster) - 2019

Waiheke, New Zealand

Title: Can great tits use mirrors?

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Anders Brodin, Alice Exnerova.


Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour Meeting (Talk) - 2019

Auckland, New Zealand

Title: Problem solving in urban and rural great tits.

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Anders Brodin, Ineta Kacergyte, Utku Urhan


35th International Ethological Conference (Poster) - 2017

Estoril, Portugal

Title: Problem solving in urban and rural great tits.

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Anders Brodin, Ineta Kacergyte, Utku Urhan


Biologists in Lund Annual Meeting (Poster) - 2017

Lund, Sweden

Title: Problem solving in urban and rural great tits.

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Anders Brodin, Ineta Kacergyte, Utku Urhan


Swedish OIKOS Meeting (Symposia) - 2017

Lund, Sweden

Title: Problem solving in urban and rural great tits.

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Anders Brodin, Ineta Kacergyte, Utku Urhan


XX Meeting of Young Researchers UCS (Poster) - 2012

Caxias do Sul, Brazil

Title: Produção de celulases e xilanases por culturas mistas em cultivo em estado solido

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Roselei C. Fontana, Aldo José Pinheiro Dillon, Marli Camassola.


XIX Meeting of Young Researchers UCS (Poster) - 2011

Caxias do Sul, Brazil

Title: Produção de celulases e xilanases por penicillium echinulatum, trichoderma reesei e aspergillus oryzae em culturas isoladas e mistas

Authors: Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi, Roselei C. Fontana, Marli Camassola, Aldo José Pinheiro Dillon.


Board Member and Head of Project and Internal Engagement at NGO Projekt6 - 2018


Outreach Officer at NGO Projekt6 - 2017


Organization Volunteer for Swedish OIKOS Meeting - 2017


Vice-Secretary of Biology Student Union (UCS) - 2015


Computer to Older Adults Teacher - 2013


Community School Teacher - 2007 - 2012


Organization Volunteer for Simpósio Nacional de Bioprocessos - 2011


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© Juliane Gaviraghi Mussoi
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